Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Because my shoulders were not sore enough

Wall balls are a special kind of hell.  You squat down with a heavy medicine ball in front rack, then you hurl it in a controlled manner up the wall to hit an 8 foot mark, then you catch in perfect front rack form as it hurtles back towards the earth and you drop back into a squat.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat.Of course if you are me your wall balls are filled with dropping the ball outright as you try to catch it, near-misses of your face, and swear words.  The good news is that I think my wall balls are actually improving somewhat.  I actually had some reps that made me feel like someone who knew what they were doing.

3/12/12 WOD #25:

  • Warm up: 500 m row
                    50 double unders (ha.  I just did some jump rope until I started hitting myself in the head too much).
                    2x: 10 squats
                         10 walking lunges
                         10 push ups
                         10 grasshoppers
                         10 tuck jumps
  • WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
               Wall Balls
               Overhead walking lunges (25# bumper plate held over the head)
               Sit ups
               Time: 24:44
I look forward to the day that I am fit enough that I don't stagger in last at every WOD.  Not that it is a race, I just think it would be refreshing to be the one clapping for a flagging team mate instead of being the one who still has three rounds to go while everyone else is finding their water bottles.  

In other news, I looked in the mirror this morning and actually saw muscle definition between my deltoids and my biceps.  I am not sure that they haven't been there all along and I only just noticed it, but it felt pretty sweet.  Also, my large thigh bruise from dropping weights on myself is coming along nicely.

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