Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today was my day off so rather than wake myself up at o-dark-hundred I went to the 11am class instead.  It's a bit of a different feel going to a different class.  There were some very fit women there today who really made me want to improve and be awesome like them.  I know I'm not awesome now, but hopefully I'm going to get there someday and start Rx-ing WODs like a fiend.  For now, I'm ok with being slow, as long as I both finish and continue to improve.

This was another benchmark WOD today: Helen.

2/16/12 WOD #15: Helen

  • Warm up: 400 m run
                    25 burpees
                    30 seconds each: Mountain climbers (we were supposed to go through these twice, I only managed to get through the sequence plus the mountain climbers again.)
                                               Jumping squats
                                               Hand stands
                                               Push ups
                                               Tuck jumps
  • WOD: 3 rounds for time: 400 m sprint
                                           21 kettle bell swings (15#)
                                           12 pull ups
                                           Time: 16:41
Usually during a WOD I have to stop and rest repeatedly- part of my abysmal time on yesterday's work out was because I had to keep stopping to catch my breath!  Today I never stopped except to shake out my arms between pull ups.  I am still on the blue band, but my pull ups are improving to the point that I may move to a lighter band soon.  Another note is that the 400 m sprint was not so much 400 m.  One of the gals measured it today and it turns out we are running nearly 600 m.  Whoops!  We were supposed to be sprinting it, but my first round was a solid run, my second was more of a jog, and I'm sure round three looked more like a shuffle.  But by God I kept going and never once stopped.  I was the last finisher again, but not by much.  

I also got complemented on my Tron pants.

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