Monday, February 13, 2012

Hero WOD: Coe

Last week I was CrossFit-less thanks to a martian death flu that laid me low.  Very low.  Between my exploding sinuses, my lost voice, and my constant cough I thought that perhaps challenging my body beyond that would not be such a grand idea.  But today I was back (with a supply of kleenex just in case as well as a lingering cough)!  And it felt very very good to be back.

The box has changed in my brief hiatus- we moved in the same complex to a larger space and the new digs are awesome!  We also had some new faces this morning so that was neat too.

Today's WOD was a hero WOD.  CrossFit has a significant military following and we have a number of WODs dedicated to military, police, and firemen (and women) who have died in the line of duty.  These WODs are typically fairly brutal and this is my first time doing a hero WOD.  This is the story behind Coe:

2/13/12 WOD #13 "Coe"

  • Warm up: 400 m run
                    2x: 10 pass throughs
                          10 OHS (over head squats)
                          10 T2B (still not getting the bar, but I think I'm actually getting my knees up higher)
                          10 pull ups (blue band)
                          1 HS walk (hand stand walk- I just did a couple hand stands against the wall)
                   20 OHS with a 15# bar
  • WOD Coe: 10 rounds for time
                       10 thrusters (15# bar)
                       10 ring push ups (I used dumb bells and my knees)
                       Time: 23:13
This was a nice detox for my system and as much as I sweated and rested between (and during) my sets, it felt great to be using my muscles again.  I only had to stop and blow my nose once.  Remind me to get some garden-style knee pads for the box- my knee caps feel like they are going to pop off during my girly push ups and I am sure that I'm not the only one!

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