Monday, January 23, 2012

Pull ups = ouchie hands

Today's work out was not as mentally or physically intense as Thursday's with the Burpees of Doom.  Thank God.  If it was like that every day I would be questioning my sanity!  Not to say today's work out wasn't a challenge...but unlike Thursday, I wasn't fervently praying to pass out so that the work out could be over.

1/23/12 WOD #9

  • Warm up: 1000 m row
                    10 squats
                    10 push ups
                    10 sit ups
                    10 kettle bells (10#)
                     5 pull ups
  • WOD: 7 rounds for time: 7 dead lifts (55#)
                                           7 pull ups (blue band)
               Time: 12:44
Milestone: pull ups with a band instead of jumping up from a box!

So today I impressed myself by actually doing pull ups instead of standing on a box and jumping/pulling so my chin went above the bar.  Thank God for uber stretchy bands...still definite progress though!  Lori also said she was very pleased with my progress on the pull ups and will be working with me as we continue to help me develop a kip up since at this point I am doing them as a dead hang (apparently that is more work).  She also said she is going to increase the weight on my dead lifts next time as I was getting through them too easily.

I am honestly considering going to the 6 am class 4 days a week.  Does that mean I'm crazy? Or have I drunk the koolaid?  Or maybe it is that I really like my tiny group of regulars in the 6 am class and all the scary-strong people in the other classes intimidate me....could go either way, really.

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