Monday, January 30, 2012

Totally did a hand stand

The WOD had nothing to do with hand stands today, although the warm up did.  But I am still pretty proud.  And yes, the hand stand was against a wall, but I remain proud since while all the blood was rushing to my brain I could hear my classmates in the midst of their own warm ups say, "Is that her first hand stand?  Awesome!"  I love my class and I love CrossFit.

For reasons unknown to me, today's entire work out (warm up included) made me feel like I had the stomach flu.  I didn't meet Mr. Pukey, but starting about five minutes in I was drenched in that cold sweat that often precedes vomiting.  Uncomfortable to say the least.  And it didn't stop.  I spent the entire work out wanting to dump water on myself a-la flash dance.  Only without it being in any way alluring.

1/30/12 WOD #11:

  • Warm up: 10 stairs
                    500 m row
                    10 m bear crawl
                    10 m crab walk
                    10 m hand stand walk (or, in my case, "Hey!  I did a hand stand!  Woo!")
                    10 m duck walk
                    10 pull ups
                    10 squats
                   (all those tens after the row were supposed to be done three times.  I called it good at once through so we could get going on the WOD itself.)
  • WOD #11: 7 rounds for time: 7 front squats (35#)
                                                  7 chest-to-bar (scaled to straight pull ups with the blue band)
                                                  Time: 14:57
We had to modify my squats today because I am flexible enough that I go way too far down and then have trouble getting my ass back up (literally).  So Lori had me squat to a medi ball today.  She also had us make the first front squat of each set into a clean (I have been practicing my triple extension every time I open up our darn garage door.  Boo-yah).  

Another discovery today: my tron pants have a zipper pocked in the back of the waistline that is just perfect for keeping my wedding rings in when I am doing work outs that involve pull ups.  How nifty is that?

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