Monday, January 16, 2012

Wherein I almost busted my face with a medicine ball

Today I was a bit late to the work out because I cleverly left my winter coat and hat in Andrew's car last night so I was searching desperately through the closet for a warm hat in case we were running outside today.  The bad news: I didn't find a hat.  The good news: we didn't run outside thanks to the 10 minute snow storm we had last night and the resultant frostiness this morning.

1/16/12 WOD #6

  • Warm-up: 1000 m row
                     Two rounds each: 10 pull-ups
                                                 10 sit ups
                                                 10 push ups
                                                 10 squats
  • WOD: five rounds for time: 12 wall balls (modified in my last round)
                                              12 toe-to-bars (modified- no toe touched the bar)
                                              Time: 16:37
I managed to finish the warm up again today.  It helps that the 6 am class usually has just 3-5 of us.  I discovered that toe-to-bars are actually harder wearing my lifting gloves (and subsequently forgot them at the box).  The wall balls were difficult in that I kept almost catching the 15# medicine ball with my face and very often ended up dropping the ball instead of dropping into a proper squat with the ball in rack position.  So in my last round she just had me squat and lift a 15# dumbbell for my reps.  This was much less technically difficult and spared my face from further near-smashing.  

I also wore my new super-tight pants that make me look like an extra from Tron.  YES.

Trying on my Tron pants in Target.
Not pictured: the Tron-pants-dance.  It's totally a thing.

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