Thursday, April 26, 2012

Deck of Death

Saturday workouts tend to be interesting and crowded.  And often painful.  This was no different!

The Deck of Death was a team workout.  Each team got a full deck of cards and had to complete the entire deck for time.  Each suit represented a movement with the number on the card dictating the number of reps.  Every member of the team had to complete the allotted movements on the card before the next card could be flipped (which ended up giving our team penalty burpees because some of the guys were getting a little gung-ho about flipping while the slower teammates were still trying to finish the movements.  And yes, I was the slower teammate.  This resulted in a lot of yelling: "NO I STILL HAVE THREE BURPEES LEFT, STOP FLIPPING THE DAMN CARDS."  But anyway...).

4/21/12 WOD #39:

  • Warm up: 800 m run
                    10 walking lunges
                    10 sit ups
                    10 push ups
  • WOD: Deck of death
               Spades: squats
               Hearts: burpees
               Diamonds: push ups
               Clubs: sit ups
               Jokers: 400 m farmer's carry (35# then 20#) or fireman carry
               Face cards: 10 reps
               Ace: 11 reps
               Time: 46:42
Even though every movement had equal reps, this felt like never ending burpees.  We may have cheated the joker cards, actually.  Our team did 200 m of firemen carry (getting carried is not actually a picnic.  My sternum felt bruised from the shoulder digging into it.  On the plus side, after approximately 10,000 burpees, it was nice to be able to breathe for 200 m) then we each did the remaining 200 m with a farmer's carry.  I started with the 35# weight but that was awful and the weight kept digging into my wrists and I had to drop the dumb bells every 50 ft or so.  I switched to 20# weights for the second joker card and, while it was still hard, it didn't feel like I was dying.  

Do you want photo evidence?  For once, I have that!  

Push ups (girly style)

I am not adjusting my pants, I am just adjusting the weight.
This was my rally face as I knew I was being photographed.  Rally face fail.  I still look awful.
This is my "praying dog position of please-no-more-burpees"
The Team!

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